A new morning-after pill to stop STDs could also make the problem worse

Public health officials are deploying a powerful new weapon in the war against rising sexually transmitted infections: a common antibiotic that works as a morning-after pill. It is the latest advancement as the sexual health field shifts to preventive medicine — not just condoms, abstinence and tests — as the best hope for quashing the […]

Community COVID-19 disease is associated with increased risks of post-viral-illness, fatigue, embolism, and respiratory conditions

In a recent study published in BMC Medicine, researchers determined the nature and magnitude of changes in healthcare utilization attributable to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. Study: Healthcare use attributable to COVID-19: a propensity-matched national electronic health records cohort study of 249,390 people in Wales, UK. Image Credit: DCStudio/Shutterstock.com Background Post-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) […]

Rare flower makes fake bee blood to lure pollinating insects

A jackal fly feeding on “fake blood” secreted by a Ceropegia gerrardii flower Annemarie Heiduk A rare South African plant produces a fluid and scent that mimic honeybee blood to entice scavenging jackal flies to pollinate its flowers. Jackal flies from the genus Desmometopa ordinarily feed on the blood of insects, especially honeybees, that have been […]

DC firefighters join push for blood marrow, stem cell donations

For years, the National Marrow Donor Program has helped match marrow and stem cell donations to cancer patients and others who need them the most. This year, firefighters in the District are pouring their efforts into the cause. D.C. firefighters have two big reasons to help put more people on a national bone marrow registry. […]

Monsoon fungal woes? Here’s how to save yourself from fungal infections during rainy season

While common fungal infections are already a concern, the list of newer and more troublesome strains is continually growing (Image: Canva) Rainy days bring more than just relief from the scorching heat – they also usher in fungal infections! The monsoon season’s high humidity provides the perfect breeding ground for microorganisms, leading to an increase […]

The Keys to Mental Illness May Be Hiding Within Amish Genes

One Amish family in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, had known for some time their son was deeply troubled and unhappy. Now in his early twenties, he had not flourished, and had not found his way as a productive member of their farming community of 40,000 Old Order Amish. The family faced many barriers to address their son’s […]