Abstract Mosaic chromosomal alterations (mCAs) are common in cancers and can arise decades before diagnosis. A quantitative understanding of the rate at which these events occur, and their functional consequences, could improve cancer risk prediction and our understanding of somatic evolution. Using mCA clone size estimates from the blood of approximately 500,000 UK Biobank participants, […]
Using data from the UK Biobank, we reveal the roles of selection and mutation in shaping the genetic diversity of mosaic chromosomal alterations in healthy blood. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access through your institution Change institution Buy or subscribe /* style specs start */ style{display:none!important}.LiveAreaSection-193358632 *{align-content:stretch;align-items:stretch;align-self:auto;animation-delay:0s;animation-direction:normal;animation-duration:0s;animation-fill-mode:none;animation-iteration-count:1;animation-name:none;animation-play-state:running;animation-timing-function:ease;azimuth:center;backface-visibility:visible;background-attachment:scroll;background-blend-mode:normal;background-clip:borderBox;background-color:transparent;background-image:none;background-origin:paddingBox;background-position:0 […]
September 11, 2023 7 min read Source/Disclosures Published by: Disclosures: Caranfa and Shi report no relevant financial disclosures ADD TOPIC TO EMAIL ALERTS Receive an email when new articles are posted on Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-loading-text="Loading ” data-action=”subscribe”> […]
Abstract Stroke occur mainly due to arterial thrombosis and rupture of cerebral blood vessels. Previous studies showed that blood flow-induced wall shear stress is an essential bio marker for estimating atherogenesis. It is a common practice to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to calculate wall shear stress and to quantify blood flow. Reliability of […]
The Armed Services Blood Program has worked with U.S. Army Cadet Command for over a decade, connecting lifesaving and selfless service. The ASBP blood drives held during Cadet Summer Training in Fort Knox, Kentucky, are always a success because of command support. The events of 2023 were no different, with the summer having another round of […]
Stock image | Photo by dragana991/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News FEATURE — Are you looking to learn more about cardiovascular fitness and its benefits? Look no further! What is cardiovascular fitness? Cardiovascular fitness can range in intensity from low to high, where your heart rate is raised and you are breathing more heavily than […]
It’s easy to forget coronaviruses existed long before the covid pandemic, but new research into long covid found that a previous infection of a common cold-causing coronavirus may explain why some people suffer from persistent symptoms. Also in the news: covid is here to stay, as a new normal. Boston Herald: A Pre-Pandemic Infection Could […]
Abstract Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major threat to public health worldwide. The relationship between CVD and temperature has been widely reported in developed countries and regions. However, there are few studies of severe CVD in poor rural areas of developing countries. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the relationship between CVD and apparent temperature […]
Since mid-July, Europe has been experiencing a resurgence in cases of COVID due in part to the emergence of new variants. COVID-19 is back in the news, a sign that the epidemic has not yet had its last word. At the end of August, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reported an […]
Abstract The goals of this study were to investigate the incidence and characteristics of hematuria in patients with microtia, and to clarify that more attention should be paid to renal dysfunction in patients with microtia. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of a total 9447 children diagnosed with microtia (selected as study group, 7037 children) […]