Tag Archives: Chronic or Acute

Acute Kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure, a swift and ominous condition, manifests when the kidneys abruptly lose their ability to filter waste products from the bloodstream. This abrupt derailment of renal function can lead to the perilous accumulation of toxins and disrupt the delicate chemical equilibrium of the blood. Referred to interchangeably as acute renal failure or acute […]

Acetaminophen may do little for Acute Back Pain

The use of acetaminophen for sudden onset back pain may not provide a significant advantage in terms of speeding up recovery, according to research conducted by Australian scientists. The study revealed that, whether participants used acetaminophen as needed, three times a day, or took a placebo, the time to complete relief from back pain was […]

Why Pain Management is Essential for Better Quality of Life

Pain management is undeniably a critical aspect of healthcare, with its ramifications reaching far beyond the realm of physical discomfort. Chronic or acute pain has the potential to significantly curtail an individual’s daily activities and even contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. However, it’s essential to recognize that the multifaceted nature […]

Bronchitis vs. Pneumonia: How to Tell the Difference

Either illness could be causing that lingering cough. As the fall and winter seasons approach, our respiratory systems face a heightened risk of encountering various illnesses, including the common cold, influenza (the flu), and viral infections such as COVID-19. Among the ailments that target our airways, bronchitis and pneumonia stand out, presenting a particularly challenging […]

What Is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis, a condition marked by the inflammation of the larynx (voice box), is a common ailment that can lead to hoarseness, a loss of voice, and discomfort in the throat. This comprehensive guide delves into the various aspects of laryngitis, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, shedding light on this often-persistent affliction. Understanding […]

The Best Medications to Treat Back Pain

You are not alone in finding that your typical OTC pain reliever is no longer effective for your back pain. Up to 23% of individuals experience persistent low back discomfort, per a 2018 review published in American Family Physician.1 It might take time and some trial and error to discover the proper treatment for back […]