Tag Archives: Diagnosis

What Is a Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists are highly trained medical doctors specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health conditions. With either an MD (Doctor of Medicine) or a DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) degree, psychiatrists possess the medical expertise to offer a holistic approach to mental health care, combining therapy and medication when necessary. This comprehensive guide […]

What Is Psychosis?

Psychosis is a complex and distressing phenomenon characterized by a loss of contact with reality, resulting in distorted thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and behaviors. Often described as a “break from reality,” psychosis manifests as a range of symptoms that can profoundly affect an individual’s life. While psychosis itself is not a standalone mental health condition, it […]

Understanding ADHD: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Management

The neurodevelopmental condition known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is quite widespread and has a negative impact on the growth and development of the brain. Despite the fact that ADHD is most frequently diagnosed in youth, symptoms can continue into adulthood and have an effect on everyday functioning. Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the […]

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Deterioration in cognitive capacities including thinking, memory, language, judgment, and learning are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a degenerative brain disorder. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) reports that there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but that certain medicines may help with symptom management. Alzheimer’s disease often strikes adults over the age of […]

My Financial Anxiety Led to an Adult ADHD Diagnosis

My parents and I never broached the topic of mental illness when I was growing up. Unfortunately, that’s not commonplace, and it’s not limited to the Latinx community. I didn’t know what was causing my anxiety as a child, and at 16 I tried suicide because I was so anxious about not doing well in […]

Before I Got an Anxiety Diagnosis Doctors Thought I Had MS, Chronic Fatigue, and a Heart Condition

I can vividly recall the exact moment when anxiety became a significant issue for me. It happened during a seemingly ordinary day in December when I was a college student registering for my upcoming semester’s classes. Back in those days, before the Internet was widely available, I had to physically go to a campus building’s […]

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition that causes people to have an inflated sense of self-importance and a need for attention and admiration. They often lack empathy for others and may exploit or devalue them to maintain a sense of superiority. NPD is thought to develop from early life experiences, and it […]

Signs You’re in a Relationship With a Sociopath, From a Woman Who Almost Married One

If we consider statistics, approximately 3.8% of the population may meet the diagnostic criteria for sociopathy, which is an older term used to describe antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). This mental health condition is characterized by traits such as deceitfulness, lack of empathy, and absence of conscience. It is important to note that ASPD traits can […]

What Is Iron Deficiency Anemia?

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when there is an inadequate amount of iron in the body to produce sufficient hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen in red blood cells. Insufficient iron levels can result in anemia, leading to symptoms such as headaches, pale skin, fatigue, and others. The causes of iron deficiency anemia can include […]

What Is Anemia?

Anemia is a condition characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells or a low hemoglobin level in the blood, resulting in decreased oxygen-carrying capacity. This can lead to various symptoms and health complications. While anemia can affect people of all ages and backgrounds, certain factors increase the risk of developing the condition. There […]