Tag Archives: Disorder

Epilepsy and the Corpus Callosotomy

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, can manifest in various forms, some of which are uncontrollable and life-altering. Among the myriad treatment options available, corpus callosotomy, sometimes referred to as split-brain surgery, stands as a profound intervention. This surgical procedure involves the severing of the corpus callosum, a bundle of nerve fibers deep […]


Dyslexia, a complex learning disorder, manifests as difficulty in reading, stemming from challenges in identifying speech sounds and understanding their correspondence to letters and words (decoding). Commonly known as a reading disability, dyslexia is rooted in individual differences in the brain regions responsible for language processing. It’s crucial to note that dyslexia is not indicative […]


Priapism is a rare medical condition characterized by a prolonged and often painful erection of the penis that persists for several hours, typically beyond what would be considered normal under the circumstances and without sexual arousal or stimulation. It is important to distinguish between the two primary types of priapism: ischemic and nonischemic. Ischemic priapism, […]

15 Facts About OCD That May Surprise You

Here’s the truth about what it’s like to have obsessive-compulsive disorder. We’ve all encountered people with quirks, whether it’s someone who color-coordinates their clothes closet or a germaphobe who seems to have a never-ending supply of hand sanitizer at the ready. However, it’s essential to recognize that these peculiarities do not necessarily indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder […]

Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic and often debilitating mental health condition that plagues millions of individuals worldwide. It manifests as a relentless cycle of intrusive thoughts, known as obsessions, which compel those affected to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts, referred to as compulsions. This relentless cycle takes root in the mind, causing […]

What Is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania, often referred to as TTM or hair-pulling disorder, is a relatively rare condition characterized by the repetitive and compulsive act of pulling out one’s hair, which ultimately leads to noticeable hair loss. This perplexing condition falls under the broader category of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), a group of disorders characterized by repetitive thoughts and behaviors […]

What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by a relentless cycle of unwanted and intrusive thoughts or images known as obsessions, coupled with repetitive behaviors and actions referred to as compulsions. These obsessions generate intense anxiety and distress, compelling individuals with OCD to engage in repetitive and ritualistic behaviors in an attempt […]

Opioid Use Disorder Overview

Opioid use can begin with prescription painkillers. When use of these powerful substances becomes an addiction, life can spiral out of control, threatening a person’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Family and friends are often the first to recognize the wide-ranging signs of opioid abuse. Opioid use disorder is a pervasive and complex medical condition […]

What Is Preeclampsia?

The miracle of pregnancy brings with it a multitude of physical changes, and sometimes, unexpected challenges. Among these challenges, preeclampsia stands out as a formidable adversary. Preeclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder that primarily arises during pregnancy or in the immediate postpartum period. While it is characterized by high blood pressure, it extends its influence […]

How Is Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosed?

Parkinson’s disease, a multifaceted neurodegenerative disorder, casts a pervasive shadow over the lives of those it afflicts. Characterized by a constellation of debilitating symptoms, including trembling, muscle rigidity, bradykinesia (slow or interrupted movements), and postural disturbances, it significantly impairs both physical and cognitive function. This article embarks on a comprehensive journey to delve into the […]