Tag Archives: Disorder

What Causes Narcolepsy? These Factors May Play a Role, Science Suggests

In many cases, chronic sleepiness is tied to low levels of certain brain chemicals. When individuals are diagnosed with a new medical condition, their initial question invariably revolves around “how” and “why.” This natural curiosity persists with greater intensity when confronted with a condition as enigmatic as narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder often […]

Headache After Working Out: What It Means and How To Treat It

Headaches that occur during or after a workout can put a damper on your exercise routine. Here’s how to get rid of them. Picture this: You’re in the midst of an invigorating gym session, or perhaps you’ve just completed a demanding workout, and out of nowhere, an excruciating headache strikes. You may contemplate pushing through […]

The 14 Different Kinds of Headaches You Can Get

Here’s how to identify which type of headache you have. Headaches can be a debilitating and pervasive health concern. While they are a common ailment, understanding the type of headache you’re experiencing is essential for effective management and relief. Describing your symptoms accurately to healthcare providers is key in determining the underlying cause, whether it’s […]

How To Prevent Migraine

Migraine is a complex neurological disorder that affects millions of people globally, causing moderate to severe headaches, often on one side of the head, along with a range of other distressing symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound. Approximately 15% of people worldwide will experience a migraine at some point in their lives, making […]

18 Signs of a Migraine

How can you tell if you’re having or about to have a migraine? Look for these signs. Migraines, affecting approximately 12% of the U.S. population, are recognized as one of the most prevalent headache disorders. However, the impact of migraines transcends the boundaries of mere headaches. Migraine episodes are often accompanied by a multitude of […]

10 Foods That May Trigger a Migraine

Alcohol, cured meats, and aged cheeses all might bring on one heck of a headache. Migraines, those debilitating and often excruciating headaches, are challenging enough on their own. However, navigating the labyrinth of potential triggers can make managing migraines feel like an overwhelming task. To complicate matters further, the landscape of migraine triggers is highly […]

What To Know About Early Menopause and the Risk of Dementia

Going through menopause earlier can increase your risk for the cognitive condition. The journey of aging is often accompanied by various health concerns, one of which is the potential link between early menopause and an increased risk of dementia later in life. A recent study published in March 2022 sheds light on this association, emphasizing […]

What Does Love Bombing Mean?

Love bombing, an insidious form of emotional abuse, involves individuals showering their targets with excessive gifts, compliments, and affection, all with the ulterior motive of gaining control over them. This manipulative tactic can occur in various relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family dynamics. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the intricacies of […]

What Is Emetophobia?

Emetophobia, characterized by an intense fear of vomiting, can have a profound impact on an individual’s daily life. This fear extends beyond the act of vomiting itself and often encompasses anxiety about nausea, witnessing or hearing others vomit, or encountering vomit. Emetophobia is classified as an anxiety disorder, recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual […]

What Are Phobias?

Phobias, these intense and often debilitating fears, represent a significant facet of the intricate landscape of anxiety disorders. While fear itself is a fundamental and adaptive human response to potential threats, phobias take this response to an extreme, resulting in enduring and irrational dread that can significantly impact various aspects of an individual’s life. This […]