Tag Archives: Eczema

What Causes Eczema?

Here’s what researchers know about the potential causes of this common skin condition. Eczema, a dermatological condition characterized by itchy, dry, and reddened patches of skin, often leading to peeling, blistering, and the formation of sores, affects a substantial portion of the American population, exceeding 30 million individuals as reported by the National Eczema Association. […]

11 Things People With Eczema Want You to Know

It’s not “just a rash.” Here’s what it’s really like to live with this chronic skin condition. What thoughts come to mind when envisioning eczema? A crimson rash and parched skin, or maybe a concern predominantly affecting children? Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that eczema extends beyond these surface-level notions, often causing considerable agony and […]

6 Types of Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Itchy skin? Find out if one of these types of eczema could be causing your symptoms. Eczema, a dermatological ailment characterized by inflamed, dry, and pruritic skin patches, encompasses a range of distinct subtypes, including: 1. Atopic Dermatitis 2. Contact Dermatitis 3. Dyshidrotic Eczema 4. Nummular Eczema 5. Seborrheic Dermatitis 6. Stasis Dermatitis In the […]