Tag Archives: Eye


Keratoconus, denoted as ker-uh-toe-KOH-nus, stands as an intricate ocular condition characterized by the gradual thinning of the cornea—the transparent, dome-shaped anterior surface of the eye. As this structural metamorphosis unfolds, the cornea assumes a cone shape, inducing blurred vision and heightened sensitivity to light and glare. An intriguing aspect of keratoconus lies in its propensity […]

Dry Eyes

Dry Eye Disease (DED) emerges as a prevalent ocular condition characterized by the inadequacy of tears to provide essential lubrication for the eyes. The complexities of DED are rooted in the instability and insufficiency of tears, leading to inflammation and damage to the ocular surface. This comprehensive exploration aims to unravel the intricacies of DED, […]


It’s essential to recognize that keratitis is not a one-size-fits-all condition; its manifestations can vary widely, encompassing symptoms such as eye redness, pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and the perception of a foreign body in the eye. Understanding the nuanced presentation of these symptoms aids both patients and healthcare professionals in prompt identification and targeted […]

7 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes

A surprising number of over-the-counter and prescription meds can cause dry eyes. Insufficient tear production can lead to sensations of dryness, grittiness, burning, or stinging in the eyes, among other discomforts. Dry eye syndrome, a chronic condition surpassing transient dry eye episodes, can arise from various factors, including potential medication-induced effects. This prompts consideration: could […]

How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

More than 16 million people in the U.S. have dry eye. A questionnaire and comprehensive eye exam can get you a proper diagnosis. Dry eye, often referred to as dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease, is a prevalent ocular condition stemming from inadequate tear production, resulting in insufficient lubrication for the eyes. This leads […]

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition in which your body does not produce enough tears to properly lubricate your eyes, causing itchiness, redness, and irritation. Dry eye disease, known also as dry eye syndrome, is a multifaceted condition that stems from the inadequate production of high-quality tears, which are paramount for upholding optimal eye moisture. This […]


Blepharitis is a prevalent and frequently encountered eye condition characterized by the inflammation of the oil glands found in the eyelids. This inflammation can lead to a range of discomforting and distressing symptoms, most notably dry eyes. The impact of blepharitis on an individual’s daily life can be considerable, affecting both their visual comfort and […]

Preparing For Your Upcoming Laser Eye Surgery

If you’ve recently made the decision to undergo elective laser eye surgery to enhance your vision, it’s completely normal to experience some anxiety about the upcoming procedure. While laser eye surgery is a safe and effective way to correct vision problems, it’s essential to prepare yourself thoroughly and ease your nerves. This article will provide […]

Working Long Hours on Screen: Tips to Reduce Eye Strain

The advent of the digital age has ushered in a multitude of conveniences, but it has also given rise to certain challenges, especially when it comes to eye health. Our computers and smartphones have grown increasingly powerful while becoming more compact and portable. This means we can access our digital devices almost anywhere, provided we […]

5 Things to Do If You Feel Like Your Eyesight Is Getting Bad

Around the world, it’s a staggering fact that approximately 2.2 billion people grapple with some form of vision impairment, as per data sourced from the World Health Organization (WHO). The deterioration of eyesight is a natural and nearly ubiquitous part of the human aging process. Over time, the lenses of our eyes lose elasticity, progressively […]