Tag Archives: Health Care

How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

More than 16 million people in the U.S. have dry eye. A questionnaire and comprehensive eye exam can get you a proper diagnosis. Dry eye, often referred to as dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease, is a prevalent ocular condition stemming from inadequate tear production, resulting in insufficient lubrication for the eyes. This leads […]

How Long Can You Go Without Pooping?

These symptoms should signal you need to see a healthcare provider for constipation. The regularity of bowel movements doesn’t necessitate a daily occurrence. However, constipation arises when individuals experience a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements compared to their usual pattern, which could potentially be as infrequent as three times or fewer per week. […]

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition in which your body does not produce enough tears to properly lubricate your eyes, causing itchiness, redness, and irritation. Dry eye disease, known also as dry eye syndrome, is a multifaceted condition that stems from the inadequate production of high-quality tears, which are paramount for upholding optimal eye moisture. This […]

Behaviors and Foods That Cause Constipation

If you’re having trouble using the bathroom, these foods and behaviors may be responsible. Unless you are fortunate enough to possess an impeccably regular digestive system, you’re likely aware that the substances you consume have a profound impact on your gastrointestinal outcomes. To put it differently, you might be acquainted with the fact that certain […]

How the 20-20-20 Rule Can Help Ease Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain caused by too much screen time is a real thing, experts say. Here’s how to ease dry eyes, redness, and fatigue. FAST FACTS A recent study revealed that individuals who practiced a routine of diverting their gaze from their computer screen every 20 minutes, focusing on a target 20 feet away for […]

Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) Symptoms and Treatment

Dry eyes are a common discomfort that most individuals encounter periodically, often arising due to factors such as allergies, seasonal illnesses, or prolonged use of outdated contact lenses. Nevertheless, the impact is significantly more pronounced for individuals grappling with dry eye syndrome, where these symptoms transcend occasional occurrences and become a persistent aspect of their […]

Physical and Mental Fitness are essential for Maintaining Back Health

To stave off the progression from occasional backaches to chronic and debilitating pain, a comprehensive approach addressing both physical and mental aspects is crucial, according to Dr. Zacharia Isaac, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Isaac emphasizes the following key elements for maintaining optimal back health: 1. Face […]

Staving Off Heart Problems in your 80s and Beyond

Older Americans, particularly those in their 80s and older, constitute the fastest-growing segment of the population in the United States. This demographic shift comes with an increased likelihood of health issues, including heart-related problems. The approach to preventing and treating heart disease in octogenarians, individuals aged 80 and older, is generally similar to recommendations for […]

What to do when Health Problems or Medical Treatments thwart your love life

This is the time of year when stores are filled with red hearts and other reminders that Valentine’s Day is approaching. It’s a mood booster, not to mention a nice break from all that winter grey (at least up here in Boston). After all, what would life be like without romance, love—and sex? Unfortunately, a […]

Posture and Back Health

Being mindful of your posture contributes to both your physical well-being and aesthetic appeal. Back pain is a common experience for many, stemming from factors like sports injuries, accidents, or congenital conditions such as scoliosis. Often, upper or lower back pain emerges from everyday activities, like prolonged computer use or lifting heavy objects, causing muscle […]