Tag Archives: Health Care

Immune Boosts or Busts? From IV Drips and Detoxes to Superfoods

The concept of “boosting” or “supercharging” the immune system has become a popular topic, especially in the context of health and wellness. However, it’s essential to understand that the immune system is complex and influenced by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. While there is no magic pill or quick fix to instantly […]

What Color is your Tongue? What’s Healthy, What’s Not?

The analogy of the eyes being the windows to the soul and the tongue acting as a check-engine light for the body captures the essence of how the appearance of the tongue can provide valuable insights into one’s health. In traditional medicine, the examination of the tongue is a diagnostic tool that can offer clues […]

Rowing or Paddling After Age 60

Engaging in rowing or paddling offers a gratifying experience as you dip an oar or paddle into the water, propelling your craft forward. This physical activity not only provides tangible results in terms of movement but also incorporates the soothing presence of nature and the camaraderie of teamwork. While rowing or paddling presents a fantastic […]

Dealing With Thick, Discolored Toenails

Indulging in the delightful sensation of wiggling your toes in the warm sand or donning a pair of sandals is a cherished pastime during pleasant weather. However, the joy may be marred if you find yourself inclined to conceal your toes, harboring thickened and yellowish nails due to a pesky condition known as onychomycosis, or […]

Help For Your Aching Back

When it comes to addressing back pain, Dr. Joerg Ermann, a rheumatologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, emphasizes the significance of understanding the duration of the pain—whether it’s a short-term (acute) issue or a chronic condition that persists for months or even years. Distinguishing between these scenarios is crucial, as it greatly influences the […]

Back Pain Risk Factors You Can Change

Back pain is a prevalent condition influenced by various factors, including genetics, age, and lifestyle. While certain risk factors are beyond our control, adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly mitigate the risk of back pain or enhance coping mechanisms. This comprehensive guide explores key lifestyle factors that contribute to back pain and provides actionable strategies […]

Don’t Take Back Pain Sitting Down

Sitting down, often considered a respite for relaxation after a day on one’s feet, proves to be a source of discomfort and pain for many individuals. Rather than alleviating pain, prolonged periods of sitting tend to exacerbate back pain and discomfort for some people. What causes lower back pain when sitting? While the specific cause […]

What to do for Stubborn Low Back Pain

Some time ago, I discussed the latest evidence-based treatment guidelines for acute (lasting less than four weeks) and subacute (lasting less than twelve weeks) low back pain. I committed to providing information on chronic (lasting more than twelve weeks) back pain, and as I write this, I am currently experiencing a recurrence of my own […]

5 Tips For Coping With Sciatica

Sciatica is a prevalent yet often misconstrued form of pain, affecting up to 40% of individuals at some point in their lives, with its incidence increasing with age. While it is commonly associated with general back pain, sciatica is distinct in that it stems from the sciatic nerves. Typically, sciatic pain resolves on its own […]