Tag Archives: Insight

Should You Use PFAS-Free Dental Floss?

Depending on the brand you’re using, your dental floss may be exposing you to dangerous chemicals. Maintaining good oral health is an integral component of overall well-being, and flossing has long been regarded as a healthy habit in oral care routines. However, recent research has raised concerns about the safety of certain types of dental […]

Why It’s Safe To Go to the Dentist During COVID-19

Vaccinated staff and extra safeguards have made it safe to visit the dentist. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected various aspects of our lives, including routine healthcare practices like dental visits. In the early days of the pandemic, dental offices faced unprecedented challenges, with many choosing to close except for urgent or emergency procedures. The decision […]

Does Mucinex Help With Pregnancy?

Some people have shared that the cough medicine may support your fertility, but what does the research say? The year 2020 witnessed the viral spread of a TikTok video that claimed taking Mucinex D, a medication combining guaifenesin (an expectorant) and pseudoephedrine (a decongestant), could enhance fertility and increase the chances of getting pregnant. Guaifenesin, […]

What You Need to Know About Postpartum Hair Loss

Bringing a child into the world is an awe-inspiring journey, but it’s also accompanied by numerous changes in the female body. One such change that often catches new mothers by surprise is postpartum hair loss, medically known as telogen effluvium. While it’s a common occurrence affecting about 40-50% of women, understanding the reasons behind it […]

Can You Get Pregnant Without Having Sex?

Virgin pregnancies are an extremely rare occurrence. Here’s what you need to know about how pregnancy actually happens. Pregnancy, a miraculous and transformative phase in one’s life, is typically associated with the culmination of penetrative vaginal sex. However, it may come as a surprise to some that pregnancy can occur without engaging in this particular […]

What Is Mastitis?

Mastitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of breast tissue, which can lead to symptoms such as pain, redness, and swelling. While it is often associated with individuals who breastfeed (lactational mastitis), it’s important to note that mastitis can also occur in people who are not breastfeeding (non-lactational mastitis). This comprehensive exploration delves into […]

What To Know About Pregnancy Insomnia

Pregnancy is a transformative and often challenging journey for women. Amid the multitude of physical and emotional changes that pregnancy brings, one issue that many expectant mothers face is insomnia. Insomnia during pregnancy can manifest as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep. It’s a common problem, affecting a significant percentage of pregnant […]

How Does Coronavirus Affect a Pregnant Woman? Here’s What Experts Told Us

Must-read info if you’re currently pregnant or know someone who is. The emergence of COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus, has stirred global concern and prompted extensive discussions regarding its effects on different segments of the population. Pregnant women, in particular, have been seeking answers about the potential risks posed by the virus during this […]

What Is Edema?

Edema, a medical term denoting the abnormal accumulation of fluid within body tissues, is a condition that manifests as swelling. This swelling occurs due to the leakage of fluid from the small blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, leading to the characteristic puffiness and shininess of the skin. Edema is a condition that can affect […]

Can Pregnancy Make Your Teeth Fall Out?

Pregnancy won’t make your teeth fall out, but it can impact your oral health, including increasing your risk of gingivitis. Pregnancy is a miraculous journey, marked by transformative changes in a woman’s body, both internal and external. While it brings about an array of physical and emotional alterations, it also raises questions and concerns about […]