Tag Archives: Medical Tools

Flu Shots: Are They ‘Live Virus’ Vaccines or Not?

The answer depends on the type of flu shot you receive. In the United States, the annual resurgence of the flu is a familiar occurrence. If you’re hesitating to receive your yearly flu shot due to concerns about contracting the flu from the vaccine, rest assured, such an outcome is implausible. Dr. Michael Knight, a […]

Common Flu Shot Side Effects To Know

Being a little sore after your jab is a small price to pay to prevent influenza. Flu vaccines, much like diverse solutions in life, lack a one-size-fits-all approach. Indeed, an array of influenza vaccines is available each year, tailored to varying needs. Administration can occur through injection or nasal spray, with specific dosages designed for […]

Why Does Your Arm Hurt After a Flu Shot?

It’s not just because you got the shot. Obtaining your annual influenza vaccination stands as the primary and pivotal measure in safeguarding yourself and your dear ones against an inevitable flu season. In general, the influenza vaccine tends to induce only minor and transient side effects—such as weariness, headaches, muscle soreness, and a slight elevation […]

What Is in the Flu Shot? Here’s How Experts Explain Common Ingredients

Remember: the ingredients in your flu vaccine are there to keep you safe from a deadly virus. When discussing the flu shot, it’s important to address prevalent myths and misinformation, with one of the most pervasive and incorrect beliefs being that the flu shot can actually cause the flu. This misconception stems from a partial […]

What Is a Nebulizer—And How Do You Use It?

A nebulizer is a device used to transform liquid medication into a mist or aerosol for inhalation. Nebulizer machines are occasionally used to provide medications for the treatment of respiratory diseases such asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).1 A nebulizer consists of a drug container, an air compressor that turns the medicine […]