Tag Archives: Medications

What You Need to Know About a Promising New Alzheimer’s Drug

Plaques in the brain are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, and the investigational drug aducanumab, which is now sold under the brand name aduhelm, has demonstrated some promise in this regard. Memory loss and cognitive decline are thought to be caused, at least in part, by these plaques, which are made of amyloid-beta protein. According […]

How Is Alzheimer’s Disease Treated?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive brain disorder that affects cognitive abilities, such as memory, thinking, and language. It is most commonly seen in individuals aged 65 and older and can significantly impact daily activities. While there is currently no cure for AD, treatments are available to help slow the progression of the disease and […]

Treatment Options for Adult ADHD

An adult’s daily life can be severely impeded by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Focusing, sitting still, sustaining relationships, and finishing chores may all become difficult for you. It’s possible that this will make you feel terrible about yourself, nervous, sad, or alone. Fortunately, there are tactics that can ease the burden of adult ADHD […]

What Is Malaise?

Malaise is a condition that you may have encountered if you’ve ever felt weird but were unable to pinpoint exactly what was wrong with you. Malaise is not a disorder in and of itself; rather, it is one of the symptoms that might accompany a wide variety of other illnesses. It is characterized by feelings […]

What Is MCH?

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is indeed a measurement that provides information about the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell. Hemoglobin is a vital protein responsible for carrying oxygen to the body’s tissues and removing carbon dioxide. When your MCH level is lower or higher than the normal range, it can suggest certain […]

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder, previously known as social phobia, is characterized by an intense fear of being humiliated, negatively judged, or embarrassed in social situations. Individuals with this disorder experience significant anxiety that interferes with their daily functioning, including work, relationships, and other aspects of life. In the United States, approximately 7% of adults are diagnosed […]

What Is the Period Flu?

The period flu mimics symptoms of the flu—such as headache, sore throat, and muscle aches—near your period. Symptoms resembling the flu, such as headache, fever, gastrointestinal discomfort, and fatigue, can closely mimic the flu itself or create the sensation of an impending flu episode. However, it’s essential to clarify that the term “period flu” lacks […]

What Temperature Is Considered a Fever in Adults?

It’s one of the most common COVID-19 symptoms—here’s the temperature range you need to know. Familiar to most, the concept of fevers is not alien: Individuals have encountered elevated body temperatures on various occasions, often linked to infections caused by bacteria or viruses, such as the well-known influenza. However, since the emergence of COVID-19, there […]

How To Get Rid of the Flu Quickly

Got flu symptoms? It’s not always possible to speed up your recovery, but certain flu treatments can help reduce the length of your symptoms. Enhancing, optimizing, and ensuring originality: Experiencing the flu may appear as a minor inconvenience, yet in certain instances, this viral ailment can lead to significant complications. Despite the strenuous preventive measures […]

How Long Can You Go Without Pooping?

These symptoms should signal you need to see a healthcare provider for constipation. The regularity of bowel movements doesn’t necessitate a daily occurrence. However, constipation arises when individuals experience a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements compared to their usual pattern, which could potentially be as infrequent as three times or fewer per week. […]