Tag Archives: Symptoms

What Is Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D insufficiency is a state wherein the body does not receive or metabolize an adequate amount of vitamin D. This essential nutrient can be sourced from sunlight exposure, specific dietary sources, and supplementary pills. Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in facilitating calcium absorption, thereby promoting bone fortification and rejuvenation. Additionally, it contributes to […]

What Is Normal Blood Sugar?

Blood glucose, commonly known as blood sugar, constitutes the predominant form of sugar present in your bloodstream. This vital energy source derives from the carbohydrates present in the foods you consume. The pivotal role of glucose lies in providing primary energy to the cells, tissues, and organs throughout your body. Maintaining a blood sugar level […]

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Dehydration arises when the body lacks the requisite amount of water essential for optimal functionality. This can occur due to an insufficient replenishment of lost fluids or excessive water loss. Instances like perspiration, diarrhea, and vomiting are instances that can trigger the onset of dehydration. Manifestations of dehydration encompass sensations of thirst, dryness in the […]

What Are the Effects of Alcohol Consumption on the Brain?

Some of the effects, like slurred speech and loss of balance, can be very obvious. Others, like cell death, are harder to notice. Alcohol is deeply intertwined with American culture, finding its place at dinner tables, post-work gatherings, and vacation festivities. Nonetheless, a 2018 study reported in The Lancet challenges the notion of a safe […]

People Are Already Dying From the Flu. Here’s What You Need to Know About Flu Season 2017

From the symptoms of the flu to the effectiveness of the vaccine The initial phase of the 2017 influenza season has tragically resulted in fatalities. A senior individual residing in Iowa succumbed to the flu in recent times, signifying the inaugural recorded instance of flu-related mortality within the state this season, as outlined by a […]

Eye Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Learn about common eye problems, symptoms, and treatments that keep your eyes healthy. Maintaining optimal eye health is crucial for overall well-being, encompassing sharp vision, pain-free experiences, and unclouded eyes. As of 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that approximately 21 million individuals in the United States encountered vision-related issues. While […]

Flu Overview

Embrace the arrival of cooler weather, which unfortunately heralds the onset of flu season. This easily transmissible viral ailment gives rise to various discomforts such as elevated body temperature, nasal congestion, throat irritation, and general body pains. In some cases, it can even escalate to severe health hazards. While a definitive cure for the flu […]

What Causes Eczema?

Here’s what researchers know about the potential causes of this common skin condition. Eczema, a dermatological condition characterized by itchy, dry, and reddened patches of skin, often leading to peeling, blistering, and the formation of sores, affects a substantial portion of the American population, exceeding 30 million individuals as reported by the National Eczema Association. […]

Endometriosis Overview

Endometriosis emerges when the endometrial tissue, typically found lining the uterine interior, aberrantly proliferates in locations beyond its normal confines. This aberration can lead to incapacitating pain and compromised fertility. Despite its prevalence, affecting approximately 11% of women, a significant portion of cases remain undetected and undiagnosed. What Is It? Endometriosis is a prevalent medical […]

Adenomyosis vs. Endometriosis: What’s the Difference?

Both conditions can cause pelvic pain and impact fertility. Adenomyosis and endometriosis are distinct medical conditions contributing to pelvic discomfort. Despite the shared symptom of pelvic pain, they diverge in terms of their underlying characteristics. These variations pertain to the specific patterns of growth exhibited by endometrial tissue—lining of the uterus—and the particular regions within […]