Tag Archives: Treatment

What You Need to Know About Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccines SIRVA

It’s a very rare side effect associated with a shot being administered incorrectly. If you have been inoculated with a vaccine, you might have encountered typical aftereffects such as mild arm discomfort or a low-grade fever. Nevertheless, you might not be acquainted with an infrequent and potential side effect referred to as shoulder injury related […]

What Is the Period Flu?

The period flu mimics symptoms of the flu—such as headache, sore throat, and muscle aches—near your period. Symptoms resembling the flu, such as headache, fever, gastrointestinal discomfort, and fatigue, can closely mimic the flu itself or create the sensation of an impending flu episode. However, it’s essential to clarify that the term “period flu” lacks […]

Why Nasal Congestion Happens—And How to Treat It

Depending on what’s causing your stuffy nose, there are at-home, over-the-counter, and prescription remedies available as treatment. Nasal congestion, often referred to as a stuffy nose, results in discomfort and obstructed nasal breathing. This condition arises from the inflammation or dilation of blood vessels in the nasal lining, causing the tissue to swell. This inflammatory […]

What To Know About Flu Tests—When You Need One, and What To Do if You Test Positive

Plus, why it’s important to seek medical care as soon as you start experiencing If you find yourself experiencing fatigue, a sore throat, a runny nose, and a fever in the autumn or winter season, the immediate assumption might lean toward a flu infection. Nonetheless, distinguishing with certainty between influenza and other ailments exhibiting comparable […]

Flu and COVID-19: How Do the Illnesses Compare?

The two share a lot of similarities, but there are key differences between them. It’s a common occurrence for a set of symptoms to potentially indicate a variety of distinct conditions or ailments. This can often lead to challenges in accurately identifying the specific illness, disorder, syndrome, or infection afflicting an individual. In March 2020, […]

What Temperature Is Considered a Fever in Adults?

It’s one of the most common COVID-19 symptoms—here’s the temperature range you need to know. Familiar to most, the concept of fevers is not alien: Individuals have encountered elevated body temperatures on various occasions, often linked to infections caused by bacteria or viruses, such as the well-known influenza. However, since the emergence of COVID-19, there […]

What Is a Wet Cough?

All that mucus and phlegm are telling you something. AT A GLANCE A productive cough is characterized by the expulsion of mucus, often caused by inflammation or irritation stemming from an infection. Typically, this kind of cough tends to ameliorate naturally and can be eased through the use of readily available medications and home-based treatments. […]

What Are Brain Zaps During Antidepressant Withdrawal?

The electric shocks that feel like they are coming from inside the brain are a symptom of skipping or stopping antidepressants. If you have recently missed or discontinued taking antidepressants, you may be familiar with the phenomenon known as “brain zaps.” These are sensory disturbances characterized by electric shock-like sensations within the brain. Brain zaps […]

Flu Overview

Embrace the arrival of cooler weather, which unfortunately heralds the onset of flu season. This easily transmissible viral ailment gives rise to various discomforts such as elevated body temperature, nasal congestion, throat irritation, and general body pains. In some cases, it can even escalate to severe health hazards. While a definitive cure for the flu […]

Endometriosis Treatment Options Every Patient Should Know About

Specialists recommend considering these five strategies. Endometriosis impacts approximately one in 10 women globally, leading to issues such as infertility, disruptive pain affecting daily life, and discomfort during urination, bowel movements, and sexual intercourse. Individuals diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition where tissue resembling uterine lining grows outside the uterus, have various treatment avenues available. Given […]